ArcZip is an Internet access provider that provides a ton of features and benefits at a great value. The low cost standard plan may be just what you want, or add BrowseBlast and MailRover for the most powerful web accelerator and SPAM protection anywhere. Sign up for ArcZip Today!
Dial up internet access is still a popular way to connect to the Web. Many users are already used to using dialup and it is convenient to keep using it. Dial up also costs less than broadband options such as DSL and cable Internet, and you can use dial up when traveling. If you want a faster connection, consider using a high speed dialup accelerator, such as ArcZip with BrowseBlast.
ArcZip Internet Access - Info - Details - Sign Up
ArcZip Internet ArcZip internet service is packed with value and features:
- Fast and Reliable Internet Access
- Lightning-Fast Connections - High Speed 56K Modems
- Extensive Nationwide Coverage - Access Numbers throughout the United States, Canada, Europe and Asia
- Free Wireless Internet Access - Available in many locations throughout the USA and Canada
- 10 Free E-mail Accounts - Use POP3 or Webmail for access anywhere
- 100 MB of Personal Web Hosting Space
- Internet Filtering Option - Help protect your family from questionable material on the Internet
- Browse Blast Option - Surf up to 6X faster
- Mail Rover Option - Ultimate protection from email SPAM and viruses
- Customizable Start-up Page
- 24/7/365 Customer Service
ArcZip BrowseBlast BrowseBlast speeds up your ArcZip Internet connection, by up to 6 times. It isn't as fast as a broadband connection, but it allows you to surf at near DSL speeds at a fraction of the price. Browse Blast is easy to install and runs seamlessly after you've dialed up. ArcZip offers Browse Blast for just $4.95 extra, and it comes with Mail Rover.
ArcZip MailRover ArcZip's new MailRover Spam and Virus Sniffer provides the latest technology to protect you from the river of viruses and spam infecting the 'Net. MailRover builds a virtual "mailfence" that protects you through a sophisticated server-based system. MailRover automatically sniffs out spam and viruses before they ever hit you and provides true, real-time automated updates of the latest anti-virus rules and engines. It is an option available for just $1 per month.
ArcZip Hotspotzz Wireless ArcZip includes Free wireless internet access using Hotspotzz with all dialup accounts. With your WiFi enabled computer, you can access in the internet with no cords or cables from hundreds of hotspot locations across the US and Canada. With Arc Zip, you can surf the web in high speed from a hotel, airport, coffee shop, etc. for no extra charge.
ArcZip Internet Price You get ArcZip internet access, complete with 10 email accounts, 100 MB of web space, free 24/7 live toll-free supprt, free wireless access, and more for just $14.95 per month. Add high speed BrowseBlast and MailRover for just $4.95. With this amazing value, you just may want to go to and Join ArcZip Today!
ArcZip Drawbacks ArcZip is a tremendous value in internet access, but if you are on a very limited budget, there are other ISPs that cost less.
ArcZip Related Links: How to Cancel ArcZip
Other Dialup Internet Providers Of course, ArcZip internet access is not the only option for Dial Up Internet.
Choices include ArcZip, America Online, Juno Internet, Net Zero, People PC, Joi Internet, Netscape ISP, Earth Link and M Fire.

• ISP Internet Service Providers > Dialup > ArcZip